Sustainable Chemical Production Technology | Sanli Tech

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EtA02363 - Saanli Technologies - A Brief Overview

Saanli Technologies provides summary of geostationary orbit satellites and orbit mechanics principles. COMSATs are stationed in geostationary orbits along the equator and follows the Earth's rotation. Saanli Technologies was established in 2015 with several partnerships and contracts with Indian industries to provide R&D supports in areas focusing on chemical engineering and mini process plants for target specific industries.
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Efficient Detailed Engineering Plant Solutions

Chemicals being an integral part of our life and the industries, Chemicals are manufactured in tons using various processes under different conditions. Making a fortune from blue prints or models has become a versatile business that is adopted by various industries. The makers or the chemists have started selling the blue prints of their machines or the complete model of the machines or chemical processes operational respectively.

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Sanli Tech is an expert in the field of solvent free chemical production processes that are environmentally sustainable and highly effective. Our solutions are geared towards the improvement of production processes with a focus in waste reduction, emissions and efficient use of resources. When clients implement our solutions, they save on costs whilst being able to help the chemical production industry become more environmentally friendly, meeting the future expectation for this industry. We can offer a solution that helps integrate environmental sustainability in line with the policies set by professional institutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sustainable chemical production technologies: What are they?

Sustainable methods and processes to make chemicals more efficiently while having minimal impacts on the environment are known as sustainable chemical production technologies. It consists of using ‘green’ innovations to help reduce waste production, the amount of electricity used and the use of resources to make it more sustainable.

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Customer Reviews

John Smith

Their innovative approach combined with their ability to support us on the ground throughout the project enabled us to achieve substantial cost bases and low carbon output

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Great Advancements in Technology

Great Advancements in Technology

To better serve our clients, we integrate modern Upper class engineering technology into our sustainable chemical distribution strategy which increases performance and minimizes the effect of industry climate change. This further helps position our company ahead of current trends to offer cutting-edge solutions to the industry.
Engineering Services to Multitude of Industries

Engineering Services to Multitude of Industries

We do recognize that every industry is different and so has its share of problems and requirements. Through our chemical distribution strategy, we aim to assist different processes across sectors without compromising the core principles of environment conservation and restoration.
Responsibilities Towards Companies Without Accomodation

Responsibilities Towards Companies Without Accomodation

At Sanli Tech, we believe in the power of innovation and continuous improvement. Our R&D centers are dedicated to our society by developing new environmentally friendly practices and technologies, so that our clients always get the best available in the chemical industry.